Your business needs can be fulfilled by our vast range of services.

Our software solutions will provide you an edge in your industry and increase productivity.
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We can build…

We offer a wide range of services to fulfill all your software development needs. If you are seeking a solution for your business, look no further.
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Web Development

We build websites on various platforms as well as develop custom web solutions for your business and organization.
Landing Pages
E-Commerce Websites
Corporate Websites
Membership Websites
Personal Websites
Blogs and CMS Websites
Web app (B2B/B2C) Solutions
Single-Page Application (SPA) Development
Single-Page Application (SPA) Development involves creating web applications that dynamically update a single HTML page as the user interacts with it, without requiring a full page reload. SPA sites load content only when needed, resulting in faster navigation compared to traditional sites.

Single-Page Application (SPA) is an excellent option for news apps, maps, dashboards, event apps, online polls, social media, and other applications whose content must be updated irrespective of an internet connection.
Marketplaces Development
At our company, we strive to provide both sellers and buyers with a seamless user experience. Our marketplaces are visually appealing, intuitive, easy to navigate, and easily recognizable. We are dedicated to developing a highly competitive trading platform, and we thrive on taking on complex projects.
Booking Systems
• Booking systems for hotels
• Medical scheduling software
• Education scheduling software
• Financial systems and budgeting tools
• Appointment booking
• Booking systems for vehicle rentals
• Resource and staff management tools
• Restaurant booking
• Ticket booking
• Health and fitness membership scheduling
• Event booking software
• Accommodation booking
Niche Product Development
We specialize in developing services for specific niches such as health, travel, calendar systems, browser extensions, and more. Our team is dedicated to assisting you in finding and implementing the optimal solution for your unique needs.
Development of complex portals
• Client Portals
• B2C and B2B Portals
• Intranet Portals
• Enterprise Portals
• Custom Portals
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eCommerce Solutions

We can develop online stores from scratch or redesign existing ones.
Online stores development from scratch
Existing online stores redesign
Development of personal areas for B2C and B2B clients
Chat bots development with user interaction automatisation
Services for parcels sending and tracking automation
CRM integration with payment systems, logistic companies for your site
WMS (Warehouse Management System) integration
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Mobile Development

We develop native apps for Android and iOS (Apple), as well as cross-platform apps that share the same code.
iOS App
Android App
Cross Platform App
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UI/UX Design

We design the look and feel of your products and how they interact with your audience.
Interface design
User flow mapping
Prototyping and wireframing
Visual design
Responsive design
UI kits
Web and Mobile design
UI/UX Audit
UI/UX Redesign
UX Optimisation
Corporate Identity & Brand Identity
Product and service catalog design
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SaaS Platforms

We can take your SaaS idea from scratch to a fully developed product for your customers.
SaaS development consulting
SaaS app development from scratch
• Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
• Content Management System (CMS)
• Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
• Learning Management System (LMS)
• Human Resources Management System (HRMS)
• Hotel Management Systems (HMS)
• Electronic Health Record (EHR)
• Electronic Records Management (EMR)
• Field Service Management (FSM)
• Accounting Software
• Ecommerce
SaaS architecture design
Cloud migration
Improvement of ongoing projects
SaaS support and maintenance
QA testing
API creation
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Enterprise Software - ERP & CRM Systems

We provide custom software solutions for businesses that require highly detailed solutions.
ERP systems
• HR
• Distribution Management
• Finances and Accounting
• Fleet Management
• Manufacturing
• Field Service Management
• Marketing
• Inventory management
• Analytics and Reports
Enterprise grade solutions
Custom CRM systems
• Leads/Customers/Contacts management
• Task management and reminders
• Dashboard and reporting
• Email campaigns
• Sales pipeline management
• Automated workflows
• Invoicing
• File sharing
Mobile version of the CRM system with API connection
Task manager
Survey constructors
Data transfer between CRM systems
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We offer products related to NFTs and cryptocurrency.
NFT-related projects
Exchangers development (cryptocurrency/fiat)
Crypto exchange development
Smart contracts development
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We provide DevOps consulting and continuous integration and delivery of the product.
DevOps consulting
Continuous integration and delivery
DevOps automation
Infrastructure implementation and migration
Continuous Development configuration
Docker Swarm
Digital Ocean
Amazon Web Services
Amazon EC2
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We build immersive virtual reality products for your businesses.
Desktop and immersive virtual reality
Google Daydream
360-degree immersive
Architectural walk-through
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Maintenance & Support

We provide ongoing maintenance and support after the delivery of the product.
Support & Maintenance of delivered softwares
Support & Maintenance of pre-existing softwares
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Additional Services

We also offer services such as developing chatbots and MVPs (Minimum Viable Products).
Project discovery
This is the initial step for every prosperous software development project. If you have a promising business concept but are unsure of how to bring it to fruition, our Project Discovery process can help you validate your idea early on and thoroughly investigate your market and competition.
Lean inception
To effectively optimize and guide your team's work, we recommend using Lean Inception. This approach is particularly useful when your team is developing a minimum viable product and evolving that product iteratively and incrementally.
MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Development
Startups that scale at the right pace grow 10 times faster than those that try to grow too fast too soon. We'll work on developing an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for your project, which means creating an initial product model that you can test right away with your existing or potential customers. This will help identify any issues with the product and enable you to improve it quickly. Additionally, the MVP will help you determine the best channels for promotion through customer feedback.
Quality Assurance
Chat-bots development with user interaction automatisation
HubSpot development
Machine Learning
• Replacing faces in a video stream
• Language detector
• LSTM news categorizer
• Suspicious text classifier
Salesforce development
• Application solution architecture
• Full-cycle Salesforce app development
• Salesforce migration
• Post-release maintenance
Legacy Software Modernization
Our team specializes in modernizing legacy software through code refactoring and migration to newer frameworks, resulting in faster implementation of new features, improved performance and security, and elimination of defects. We prioritize the security and integrity of your data and aim to minimize disruptions to your application during the development process.
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We understand your requirements…

With our expertise in a diverse range of technologies, we are confident in providing the best solution to meet your needs.
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Your idea to delivery…

We will help you turn your idea into a successful business by guiding it through the product lifecycle, from conception to delivery. Our process is straightforward and effective.
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Planning and Research

During the planning phase, we identify business goals, create a roadmap, determine the strategy, and schedule the project.
In the research phase, we generate ideas and concepts, select a development methodology, choose a team, conduct an audit, develop a user journey, plan feature development, and prepare a timeline.
In short, we make sure that we understand your idea and requirements before proceeding to the design and development phase.

Design & Development

During the UI/UX design phase, we create prototypes and design the user flow to meet the needs of end-users. We also manage complex data and facilitate workflows.
In the development phase, we deliver software based on the requirements we gather from our clients and ensure transparency throughout the process.

Testing & Deployment

During the testing phase, we conduct quality assurance testing and prepare the final version of the product for release.

Support & Maintenance

After the product is released, we continue to test and improve it based on feedback from real users, as well as changes in software performance and requirements.

You are in right hands…

Our team of experts has the know-how to bring your project to fruition. Here’s who will be working on your project
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Project Managers

They will oversee the entire project and keep you informed throughout.

Developers (Frontend & Backend)

Experienced developers will handle the logic or programming part of the project.

Designers (Web & Mobile)

Experienced designers will bring your ideas to life and ensure that it looks great on every device.

Team Leads

Leaders that can guide a team to handle complex parts of the project.

DevOps Engineers

Experienced engineers that implement best practices for development and operations for the project.

Quality Assurance Engineers

Experienced testers and quality assurance engineers to ensure the product is bug-free.

Not convinced yet?

Let’s talk and see if we can help you out. We won’t charge you anything for simply talking to us.